port to PDOS (especially mainframe)

Paul Edwards mutazilah at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 16:04:40 EDT 2021

On Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 4:32:51 AM UTC+10, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 14/04/2021 11:35, Paul Edwards wrote: 
> > I have succeeded in producing a Python 3.3 executable
> ...
> > However, the executable doesn't work yet.

> Late to this party but how big is the assembler?

Assuming the stuff in "asma" has no dependency
on the other .py files, it is 35,000 lines of code!

I think I might need a linker from them too. I haven't
seen the output of asma yet.

> It might be easier to translate the Python to C!

I would also have a maintenance problem going
that way.

I think other people would like Python to be available
on MVS/380 too, for other projects.

BTW, my Python is a 1.5 MB executable. That is
without optimization and without symbols.

BFN. Paul.

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