Repair Install of 64 bit python

Cameron Simpson cs at
Fri Apr 16 10:15:03 EDT 2021

On 16Apr2021 13:13, Dan Ciprus (dciprus) <dciprus at> wrote:
>Isn't the recommended python3 way of pip-ing stuff:
>python3 -m pip install ...
>.. just curious.

If there's only one Python 3 installed then "pip3 install ..." _ought_ 
to be equivalent. However, in the face of virtualenvs etc there may 
often be several pip3s.

Using "python3 -m pip install ..." ensures that you are using the pip 
which is associated with "python3" (which you can adjust to be whichever 
python3 you intend). This is why the "-m pip" form is recommended: it 
definitely installs in the Python you'd be running.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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