matplotlib questions
python at
Sat Aug 28 19:17:45 EDT 2021
On 2021-08-28 04:39, Steve wrote:
> I would like to know how the data is placed on the Y-axis and at the tops of
> the bars.
> The data is not being shown properly. With some exceptions, it looks as if
> the data is getting sorted independently from the dates.
> OK, here is the code:
> ==============================================
> #
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> import numpy as np
> width = 12 #Width of the graph
> height = 6 #Height of the graph
> plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (width,height)
> plt.rcParams["font.size"] = (9.0)
> Count = 0
> datesList = [] # Each date showing end of bottle use
> hoursList = [] # Number of hours
> # daysList = [] # Number of days calculated from hours/24
> countList = [] # simple tally
> with open("__Insulin_Tracker.txt", 'r') as infile:
> for lineEQN in infile:
> insulinHours = lineEQN[47:52].strip()
> print("Hours = " + insulinHours)
> hoursList.append(insulinHours)
> insulinDates = lineEQN[20:30].strip()
> datesList.append(insulinDates)
> # insulinDays= lineEQN[57:62].strip()
> # daysList.append(insulinDays)
> Count += 1
> countList.append(str(Count))
> # print(" " + str(Count) + " " + insulinDates + " Hours: " +
> insulinHours)
> x = Count
> count = str(Count)
> # Each date indicated the date on which a bottle of insulin has been
> depleted
> # The bar is to show the number of hours that the bottle has been in use.
> Labels = datesList
> Xdata= hoursList
> Title = ("Bottle List Number of entries: " + count)
> x = np.arange(len(Labels)) # the label locations
> width = 0.35 # the width of the bars
> margin = 0
> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
> fig.tight_layout(pad=10) # Sets the size of the graph
> rects1 = - width/2, Xdata, width, label='Hours') #Populates the x
> axis
> # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.
> # fontsize = 20
> ax.set_ylabel('Hours of use for each bottle')
> ax.set_title(Title)
> ax.set_xticks(x)
> ax.set_xticklabels((datesList), rotation = 90) #Dates at bottom of the graph
> ax.legend()
> ax.bar_label(rects1, padding=0,rotation = 90)
You're passing the contents of Xdata.
What does Xdata contain?
A list of _strings_.
If you want the length of the bars to represent the number of hours,
then they should be numbers.
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