How to package a Python command line app?

Manfred Lotz ml_news at
Fri Dec 10 06:32:24 EST 2021

On Thu, 9 Dec 2021 21:23:58 +0100
"Peter J. Holzer" <hjp-python at> wrote:

> On 2021-12-09 19:35:37 +0100, Manfred Lotz wrote:
> > I played with pyinstaller which worked fine. However, it builds a
> > dynamic executable and thus it is glibc version dependent. Means, I
> > have to build different executables for differen glibc versions.  
> Just build it for the oldest version.

Wasn't aware of that.

>  Even if you don't, it may not
> matter. I just compiled a hello world program on Ubuntu 20 and ran it
> on Debian 6 (which is 10 years old). Obviusly a real program has more
> opportunities to run into compatibility problems, but glibc doesn't
> change all that much.
>         hp

I have build an executable with pyinstaller on Ubuntu 20.04 and it
didn't run on Redhat 8.4.

Doing it the other way round helps indeed, i.e. building on Redhat 8.4
and then it runs on Ubuntu 20.04. 

Thank you.


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