Uninstall old python version(Python 3.9.7)

Công Huy cowsmile1911 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 25 01:13:10 EST 2021

   I had uninstalled Python 3.9.7 before but it wasn't uninstalled
   completely. I found it still in my computer and when I click "uninstall",
   it sent me a board "No Python 3.9 installation was detected". Of course,
   it won't be an issue if it defaulted my main Python version on my computer
   and I can't use some libraries I installed like numpy, matplotlib,
   networkx,... To solve my python homework. I found some help on the
   internet but it wasn't improved. I don't know how to fix it. Please help

   Thanks and Regards,

   Cong Huy

   Sent from [1]Mail for Windows


   Visible links
   1. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986

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