Searching, is there an 'advanced search'?

Chris Green cl at
Sat Jul 17 08:01:50 EDT 2021

Every time I go to to look for a neat utility or something I
curse the stupid search.

Is there really no better search available?  Apart from anything else
it appears to OR the elements together so, for example, I wanted to
search for programs/libraries that will allow me to access Google

    Putting the words Google and Contacts in the search box produces
    more than 10000 hits.  

    Putting just Google in the search box produces 8,629 projects.

So, it would appear the terms are OR'ed together, surely OR'ing terms
in a search (by default) went out with the ark!

When I put 'Google contacts' in the search box I want projects that
have both 'Google' AND 'Contacts' in their description somewhere!
(... and, no, I tried 'Google AND Contacts', still more than 10000
results). is a wonderful resource but its size now demands a better
search engine.

Chris Green

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