.title() - annoying mistake

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at gmx.de
Mon Mar 22 16:20:58 EDT 2021

Am 22.03.21 um 16:03 schrieb Robert Latest:
> Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Cool thing is, nobody in Python needs to maintain anything here.
> That's great because I'm actually having trouble with sending log messages over
> the socket conection you helped me with, would you mind having a look?

You misunderstood the "here".

(native German as well, but I think it means "for keeping .title() up to 

I agree with Chris that .title() can be useful for "title-casing" a 
single character, whatever that means. It should be documented, though, 
that it is not suitable to title-case a string, not even in English.


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