Unexpected Inheritance Problem

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Thu May 20 01:58:42 EDT 2021

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 2:02 PM Richard Damon <Richard at damon-family.org> wrote:
> Given the following definition of classes, I am getting an unexpected
> error of :
> TypeError:  __init__() missing 2 required keyword-only arguments:
> 'idcode' and 'tag'
> On the call to create a GedcomHead in the call to GedcomHead() in
> Gedcom0Tag.add()
> class Gedcom0Tag(GedcomTag):
>     """Represents a Level 0 Tag of a GEDCOM file"""
>     @classmethod
>     def add(cls, *, parent, tag: str, payload: str, level=0):
> Gedcom0Tag.add(parent, 'Head', '')

You're defining that add takes keyword-only args (because the asterisk
stops them from being passed positionally), but then you're calling it
with nothing but positional args. Is that the code you're using? I
would expect to see *three* missing kwonly args from this.


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