pyinstaller wrong classified as Windows virus

Peter Heitzer peter.heitzer at
Fri Nov 26 10:30:52 EST 2021

Ulli Horlacher <framstag at> wrote:
>Edmondo Giovannozzi <edmondo.giovannozzi at> wrote:

>> You can try to download winpython:
>> It is an executable, but you don't need to execute it as it is a 7zip compressed archive.
>> You may run it or use directly 7zip to decompress it, the result will be the same. 
>> Then you have a full python installation that don't need to be installed. 
>> You may try to put your program there and give the users that directory.

>I do not understand it quite...
>(How) can I add PySimpleGUI (*) and my program to this (self-extracting?)

>633 MB! I have a lot of users with internet speed < 200 kB/s

>With pyinstaller my program executables are are around 10 MB.
I would suggest to build your own installer, for example using NSIS
It is not very complicated. If you include the normal Python installation
and the additional packages and your scripts the whole installer will not
be greater as about 30 MB. 
If you want I can mail you a sample config file you can start with.

Dipl.-Inform(FH) Peter Heitzer, peter.heitzer at

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