Why is there no get_body() in mailbox.Maildir?

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Sun Nov 28 09:20:13 EST 2021

I have the following error:-

    chris at esprimo$ ./showmail.py boating/Odin/moorings/angers "01 Oct 2009 18:03:00"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/chris/dev/cgi-bin/./showmail.py", line 24, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'MaildirMessage' object has no attribute 'get_body'

It's being returned by the following (rather trivial) Python program:-

    # replacement for complex Zend/PHP E-Mail message extraction 
    import mailbox
    import email
    import sys
    import os

    mbroot = "/home/chris/mail/folder"

    mbname = os.path.join(mbroot, sys.argv[1])

    mb = mailbox.Maildir(mbname)
    # run through the messages in the mailbox looking for date/time match 
    for msg in mb:
        # print(msg.get("Subject")) 
        # print(msg.get("Date")) 
        if sys.argv[2] in  msg.get("Date"):                  

I thought MaildirMessage inherited from email.message, it has inherited the
get() method so why not the get_body() method?  I'm running Python 3.9.7
on xubuntu Linux 21.10.

Is there another way of doing this or do I have to sort through the message
parts and stuff?  It sounded like get_body() would make things easier.

Chris Green

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