Installation does not work fro GitBash command line

J.O. Aho user at
Wed Aug 24 02:47:05 EDT 2022

On 23/08/2022 13.00, Gladstone Rose wrote:
> Why is my installation of Python does not work at the command line for git bash.
> I get the following message
> bash: python3: command not found

It can be that you need to use python.exe instead of python3.exe, see my 
work computers response when using git bash:

result from tabbing python:
$ python
python.exe    python3.dll   python3.exe   python39.dll  pythonw.exe

run python3:
$ python3.exe --version
Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the 
Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App 
Execution Aliases.

run python:
$ python.exe --version
Python 3.9.7

You could always install a proper OS that provides you a bash out of the 


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