Running two separate servers (was Re: venv questions)

gene heskett gheskett at
Tue Aug 30 16:58:37 EDT 2022

On 8/30/22 06:52, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 19:51, gene heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
>> So I'm thinking of venv's named rock64prusa, and rock64ender5+, each with
>> "port#" on my local net. So chromium could have two tabs open, one to
>> localhost:5000 and one to localhost:5001, totally independent of each other.
> As I said, that has absolutely nothing to do with venvs, so you'd have
> to figure out how to change their port numbers independently.
> (Although you could probably add an env var to the venv's activation
> script, if that would help.)
> ChrisA
The short script as /etc/default/octoprint has that PORT item. I see no 
reason it
couldn't be renamed and edited to affect the desired separation.
(venv) gene at rock64:~/printrun/Printrun/venv$ cat /etc/default/octoprint
# Configuration for /etc/init.d/octoprint

# The init.d script will only run if this variable non-empty.

# base directory to use, change this for cura in both copies so cura can 
see it on the /sshnet
# make it unique and get rid of the dot.

# configuration file to use, relocate this for uniqueness

# On what port to run daemon, default is 5000, anything not it use for 
2nd ender5+ version

# Path to the OctoPrint executable, you need to set this to match your 
# change the venv to a unique name

# What arguments to pass to octoprint, usually no need to touch this

# Umask of files octoprint generates, Change this to 000 if running 
octoprint as its own, separate user

# Process priority, 0 here will result in a priority 20 process.
# -2 ensures Octoprint has a slight priority over user processes.

# Should we run at startup?

Edit two copies of this in defaults with individual names,

Edit 2 copies of /etc/init.d/octoprint with unique names

make two uniquely named venv's.

The two should never meet nor interfere with each other. So far, I've got
it running in a venv named prusa-mk3s. Now checking to see if it see's a
gcode file uploaded directly from cura here on this machine.

Short answer is no, octoprint cannot see an uploads directory in the 
prusa-mk3s directory.
In fact, it cannot see, or even create a new uploads directory. But I 
made one with mc, put
a gcode file there, not seen, got po'd and gave it 755 perms, bingo, it 
needed exec perms,
and cura wasn't setting them. Chalk up another bitch at cura. Or at 
octoprint, gcode is a text file
fur crying in the beer.  The rwXrwXrwX should not affect it IMO.

I need another batch of cable clips to neaten up the ender5+, so let me 
see if it can do that.
Now that I have the rules in hand, maybe I can make a second copy work 
at the same time.

IF I can figure out how to make it use a unique name for its PID identifier
Might have to change a character in the launchers name w/o changing the 
script. Or better yet,
rename the executable?

IDK. And hour lateer, cable clips went nice and clean, so the first 
instance is working fine.

And there isn't a PID for octoprint anyplace in /var unless its under 
the snakes umbrella.

Progress, discovering bugs and work-arounds in octoprint. Now I'm 
waiting on the mail for parts. Among other things a bigger PSU for the 
rock64. See if that reduces the video glitches from usb activity.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
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