PYT - The expressions described in the Python language reference yield only boolean values

vanyp vanyp at
Sat Feb 19 17:28:28 EST 2022

*I am trying to learn Python from the grammar given in the Python 
language reference and I am surprised.*

*Lets start here:*

*6.3.4. Calls*

A call calls a callable object (e.g., a function 
<>) with a possibly 
empty series of arguments 

*call *::= |primary 
<>|"(" [|argument_list 
<>|[","] | |comprehension 
<>|] ")"
*argument_list *::= |positional_arguments 
<>|["," |starred_and_keywords 
["," |keywords_arguments 
| |starred_and_keywords 
<>|["," |keywords_arguments 
| |keywords_arguments 
*positional_arguments*::= positional_item ("," positional_item)*
*positional_item *::= |assignment_expression 
<>|| "*" |expression 

*continued by:*
*6.12. Assignment expressions*
*assignment_expression*::= [|identifier 
<>|":="] |expression 

*Now I look at the following productions:*

*6.13. Conditional expressions*
*conditional_expression*::= |or_test 
<>|["if" |or_test 
<>|"else" |expression 
*expression *::= |conditional_expression 
<>|| |lambda_expr 

*The first or_test is strange, I assume it should be replaced by expression.*

*But even so I think that the only ways out of the recursion are the 
or_test or the lambda_expr.*

*And by the grammar, those evaluate to booleans as follows:*

*6.14. Lambdas*
*lambda_expr*::= "lambda" [|parameter_list 
<>|] ":" |expression 

*and I conclude that the only way out of that branch is also or_test.*

*I then look at or_test:*

*6.11. Boolean operations*
*or_test *::= |and_test 
<>|| |or_test 
<>|"or" |and_test 
*and_test*::= |not_test 
<>|| |and_test 
<>|"and" |not_test 
*not_test*::= |comparison 
<>|| "not" |not_test 

*and the ony way out is comparison, which by the semantics should return 
a boolean.*

*Looking at comparison gives:*

**6.10. Comparisons**
*comparison *::= |or_expr 
*comp_operator*::= "<" | ">" | "==" | ">=" | "<=" | "!="
| "is" ["not"] | ["not"] "in"

Comparisons yield boolean values: |True| or |False|. Custom /rich 
comparison methods/ may return non-boolean values. In this case Python 
will call |bool() 
<>| on such value 
in boolean contexts.


*By now I think that we are firmly stuck in boolean operations. Which 
would mean that any expression always returns a boolean value.*

*Where did I, or the language reference, go wrong?*


*Pierre Van Nypelseer*

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