Why There Is No Python Compressed Archive or Binaries ?
Dennis Lee Bieber
wlfraed at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jan 17 11:46:19 EST 2022
On Mon, 17 Jan 2022 08:07:07 -0800 (PST), Grant Edwards
<grant.b.edwards at gmail.com> declaimed the following:
>On 2022-01-17, Sina Mobasheri <sinamobasheri at outlook.com> wrote:
>> Java offers download JDK...
>> [...]
>> My question is why Python hasn't option for downloading as
>> Compressed Archive ?
>Isn't that what the installers are?
I get the impression they are looking for a zero-install option... IE:
unpack onto a USB flash drive, take to another computer, and just be able
to run from the flash drive without needing to fiddle with PATH, registry,
etc. A way to run Python on shared (library) computers that may not have it
installed, and for which users have no ability to install applications.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
wlfraed at ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
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