Why There Is No Python Compressed Archive or Binaries ?
Sina Mobasheri
sinamobasheri at outlook.com
Mon Jan 17 14:53:50 EST 2022
Consider scenario that I want run python 3.10 in CentOS 8, I think last python version in CentOS repository is 3.6, if I use epel I can get 3.8 so ..., I think (correct me if I'm wrong 🙏🏻) the only way that I can run python 3.10 is to compile it manually, which is need to know what dependencies python needs for compilation ... (different distribution different packages, which packages for what, you can see that it is intimidating for beginners like me)
It's useful to just use wget <python.org/ftp/python/3.10.1/compressed. tar.xz>, unzipped, ser path and ta-da you have cpython 3.10 in CentOS 8
This is Linux specific use case that I can think of, I'm sure there are plenty for windows, consider scenario that I wrote script for scraping some site and entered in some excel worksheet I can simply ship cpython with my script to clients machine and there is no need that client install cpython by himself...
Sorry about my bad grammar
From: Calvin Spealman <cspealma at redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2022, 22:53
To: Sina Mobasheri
Cc: python-list at python.org
Subject: Re: Why There Is No Python Compressed Archive or Binaries ?
Well, on its own, I'd say the reason we don't have such a download is that it wouldn't be very useful.
On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 2:08 PM Sina Mobasheri <sinamobasheri at outlook.com<mailto:sinamobasheri at outlook.com>> wrote:
It's cool project definitely something that I'm personally interested about, but I talking about compressed archive of cpython that we can simply unzipped and starting developing an app, not running an app that already developed... 😀
From: Calvin Spealman <cspealma at redhat.com<mailto:cspealma at redhat.com>>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2022 10:19:13 PM
To: Sina Mobasheri <sinamobasheri at outlook.com<mailto:sinamobasheri at outlook.com>>
Cc: python-list at python.org<mailto:python-list at python.org> <python-list at python.org<mailto:python-list at python.org>>
Subject: Re: Why There Is No Python Compressed Archive or Binaries ?
I maintain a small project that provides this, a drop-in Python runtime you can ship without installation called Feet. Get it? It makes Python run.
On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 11:16 AM Sina Mobasheri <sinamobasheri at outlook.com<mailto:sinamobasheri at outlook.com>> wrote:
Java offers download JDK as Compressed Archive<https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk17-linux> or NodeJS offers download Node as Binaries<https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/> both give us a compressed file for Linux and windows that we can just unzipped it and put in a custom directory and set some environment variables and start working
I'm aware that Python also have something called Embedded Zip<https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.1/python-3.10.1-embed-amd64.zip> for Windows and nothing like that for Linux as far as I know, and I think this Embedded Zip is not something that user wants to work with that directly it's for embedding in a C++ application, so it's not the same as options that Java and NodeJS offers
My question is why Python hasn't option for downloading as Compressed Archive ?
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