new sorting algorithm
Dan Stromberg
drsalists at
Sun May 1 13:52:19 EDT 2022
This probably should start out as a module on Pypi.
Is the sorting stable? Python guarantees that.
On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 8:53 AM Nas Bayedil <nbayedil at> wrote:
> *Dear, Sir/Madam*
> Let me first tell you briefly who we are and where we are from, what we do.
> My name is Nas (full name Nasipa Bayedil) from Kazakhstan.
> In December 2020, we registered a company online in Dover, Delaware, the
> United States, because all major corporations are based in the United
> States. Direction of the company: research and development technologies of
> sorting and searching in databases and in Big Data. Our research and
> developments should be of interest to a rapidly growing tech market.
> My father Nurgali has a mathematics education, he has been interested in
> mathematics' and physics all his life, now he is retired and continues to
> study his favorite mathematics, when he became a pensioner to this love an
> interest in programming was added. And this new interest in programming led
> him to invent his own method of developing sorting algorithms.
> *In a nutshell about what we are doing.*
> We have developed several variants of sorting algorithms based on new ideas
> and improvements to well-known ideas.
> Our development is carried out in the application of the idea of the
> article Peter McIlroy's 1993 paper "Optimistic Sorting and Information
> Theoretic Complexity", which was implemented by *Tim Peters TimSort in a
> sorting algorithm in 2002 for use in Python.*
> The variant implemented by Tim Peters is improved by us as it does not take
> full advantage of Peter McIlroy's idea.
> This has been achieved through the development of new methods:
> 1. data recognition
> 2. data fusion
> We also used the research work Sorting N-Elements Using Natural Order: A
> New Adaptive Sorting Approach** but added some new ideas of our own. As a
> result, we got a hybrid NDsort algorithm, which uses the above particular
> algorithms.
> Existing sorting algorithms that are used in practice, very fast, I will
> not list their advantages; for improvement let's just indicate that some of
> them start to work slowly on certain types of data. The author tried to
> deal with this from a general, *mathematical position*, and not from the
> point of view of programming techniques, *and achieved the goal*.
> Fragments of the general theory of sorting by comparison have been
> developed, *several facts have been discovered that are subject to
> patenting *and which allow developing various variants of sorting
> algorithms.
> We believe that using this method to develop completely new, fast
> algorithms, approaching the speed of the famous *QuickSort*, the speed of
> which cannot be surpassed, but its drawback can be circumvented, in the
> sense of stack overflow, on some data.
> Additionally our general sorting algorithm can be applied to design data
> sorting chips. This is, of course, the business of specialists in this
> field, but we believe that our algorithm opens up a new approach to this
> problem. The fact is that there are currently two ways to develop data
> sorting chips. The first is that data is entered in parallel; the second is
> that data is entered sequentially. Our sorting algorithm allows
> parallel-sequential data input, which would speed up the entire sorting
> process.
> I hope our research will pique your interest. The distinctive features of
> our sorting algorithms are the minimization of the number of comparisons, a
> new approach to the sorting problem, the maximum use of common sense, and
> the use of a principle from philosophy "Occam's razor".
> We use C# (Visual Studio 2019 demo version) for research and write
> fragments of algorithms. We would like to ask for help from
> engineers in implementation of our idea for the Python language together.
> We will be glad to hear from you any comments and questions about our idea.
> Kind regards,
> Nas Bayedil
> Twitter: @NasBayedil
> Website:
> **June 2010 Journal of Computer Science 6(2) Project: Algorithm Analysis,
> Authors: Shamim Akhter, International University of Business Agriculture
> and Technology M. Tanveer Hasan.
> --
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