Superclass static method name from subclass

Axy axy at
Sun Nov 13 07:27:42 EST 2022

On 11/11/2022 16:21, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Is it possible to access the name of a superclass static method, when
> defining a subclass attribute, without specifically naming the super-
> class?
> Contrived example:
>   class SuperClass(object):
>       @staticmethod
>       def foo():
>           pass
>   class SubClass(SuperClass):
>       bar =
>             ^^^^^^^^^^
> Is there a way to do this without specifically naming 'SuperClass'?
There is, but it's weird. I constructed classes from yaml config so I 
did not even know the name of super class but I wanted similar things 
for my clabate templates and I implemented superattr() which works for me:

class BasePage:

     body = '<p>Hello</p>'

class MySpecificPage(BasePage):

     body = superattr() + '<p>World<p/>'

Actually, it's suboptimally elegant code. Artistic code, to be clear, as 
if you looked at modern art and thought: WTF? Also, it's specific for 
templates only and supports only __add__.

But I think the approach can be extended to a general superclass() if 
you log __getattr__ calls and apply them in __get__ method same way.

I realize this reply is not an immediate help and probably won't help, 
but there's always a way out.


Here's the code:

class  superattr:
This is a descriptor that allows extending attributes in a simple and 
elegant way:

my_attr = superattr() + some_addition_to_my_attr
     def  __init__(self):
         self.additions  =  []

     def  __set_name__(self,  owner,  name):
         print('__set_name__',  name)
         self.attr_name  =  name

     def  __get__(self,  obj,  objtype=None):
         for  cls  in  obj.__class__.__mro__[1:]:
                 value  =  getattr(cls,  self.attr_name)
             except  AttributeError:
             for  a  in  self.additions:
                 value  =  value  +  a
             return  value
         raise  AttributeError(self.attr_name)

     def  __add__(self,  other):
         print('__add__:',  other)
         return  self Full article: 

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