for -- else: what was the motivation?

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Mon Oct 17 01:34:50 EDT 2022

Op 17/10/2022 om 04:01 schreef Chris Angelico:
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2022 at 10:46,<avi.e.gross at>  wrote:
>> My point Chris was that you can have a conversation where you are exploring
>> and not proposing. Brainstorming, perhaps.
> And my point is that either a proposal is a serious one that can
> expect serious discussion, or it isn't. Yes, I'm aware that it wasn't
> you who backpedalled as soon as any criticism was posted, but your
> caveat comes to the same thing - if you're trying to avoid serious
> criticism, you have to not post an idea.

Your reaction was not serious criticisme but a belligerent reaction.
You made it clear you wanted a fight. I choose not to enter that

Antoon Pardon

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