Pycharm IDE

dn PythonList at
Tue Apr 18 20:02:33 EDT 2023

On 19/04/2023 11.18, Kevin M. Wilson via Python-list wrote:
> Greetings... Kevin here:I need help, as you have guessed!I have this line: The Print Statement... Why complain about a 'comma', or a ')'???def play_game():
>      number = random.randint(1, LIMIT)
>      print (f'"I am thinking of a number between 1 to {LIMIT}\n")Or is this a setting in the IDE, I need to reassign?

The code is a bit difficult to read (wrapping), but the error message 
may be an assumption (on Python's part).

Should the line be:

     print( F"I am thinking...
no extraneous/unbalanced apostrophe here?


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