Changing the original SQLite version to the latest
Thomas Passin
list1 at
Tue Feb 14 17:27:15 EST 2023
On 2/14/2023 3:30 PM, jose isaias cabrera wrote:
> Greetings.
> I have tried both Cygwin and SQLite support, and I have received very
> little ideas from them, so I am trying this to see if anyone has dealt
> with such a problem before.
> If I use Cygwin setup tool and install python39 and thus,
> $ python
> Python 3.9.10 (main, Jan 20 2022, 21:37:52) [GCC 11.2.0] on cygwin
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> import sqlite3
>>>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
> '3.34.0'
> As you can see, the SQlite3 version installed is v3.34.0. Right now,
> the version available is 3.40.1. What I would like to do is to work
> with the latest SQLite version. I have 4 Cygwin instances, 2 of them
> are working ok, 2 are not. This is what I have done to get python to
> use 3.41.0:
> - downloaded the latest SQlite check-in from the site
> - $ tar -xvf SQLite-44200596.tar.gz
> - cd to SQLite-44200596
> - $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
> - $ make install
> These steps above have worked on two PCs, but I don't know what is the
> difference that makes the other two work, and the other two not work.
> I have started a few instances of Cygwin on the PC that is not
> working, and I have been trying for a few days, and I am humbling
> myself, and asking for help. So, the request is to get python3 to
> change the SQLite3 library from 3.34.0 to 3.41.0. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated. Since this is Windows 10, it's probably some
> SQLite DLL somewhere that is being pulled instead of the one
> installed. Perhaps some of you can provide a few suggestions to see
> where I can find a solution. I know the next step is to compile
> python, but, I rather try to find how to fix this and get to the
> bottom of it. Thanks, thanks and thanks.
As a point of reference, the Python installation I've got on my Windows
box (not a cygwin install) is
Python 3.10.9 (tags/v3.10.9:1dd9be6, Dec 6 2022, 20:01:21) [MSC v.1934
64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
and the sqlite_version is 3.39.4
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