Fwd: About the Python
Mats Wichmann
mats at wichmann.us
Mon Jan 2 14:16:56 EST 2023
On 1/2/23 10:32, Thomas Passin wrote:
> Since you have an immediate need to have working installations, I
> suggest that you downgrade to an earlier version of Python. V3.11.1 is
> new and some binary libraries (such as numpy) may not be working
> correctly yet with the latest version. Your students will not need any
> of the new features that 3.11 may provide.
> On 1/2/2023 12:27 AM, Ramya M wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Ramya M <ramyam at jnnce.ac.in>
>> Date: Mon, Jan 2, 2023, 9:58 AM
>> Subject: About the Python
>> To: <python-list at python.org>
>> This is from JNN College of Engineering, Shimoga. we are facing some
>> problems while using python. Please can you resolve this issue.
>> We are using python 3.11.1 (64 bit) for windows 10. but while installing
>> the "numpy and matplotlib" packages we are getting errors. In some cases
>> after installation of the above said packages we are getting errors while
>> working.
>> So, Please can you people resolve this issue as the python labs are going
>> on and students are facing some difficulties.
>> Thanking you
>> Regards
>> Ramya M
>> Instructor, ECE Dept.
>> JNNCE, Shimoga
Second these comments... you don't have to be in a rush to upgrade to a
new Python if there are a lot of complex dependencies.
There's a site where you can do a quick check for some of the more
popular addons:
That said, the packages you mention should be available for 3.11 -
though there could be some dependencies in your chain causing problems.
You haven't given any actionable information. "Getting errors" is a
meaningless statement without details. People minded to help aren't
going to be able to do so.
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