What should go to stdout/stderr and why Python logging write everything to stderr?

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 21:28:08 EST 2023

On Wed, 4 Jan 2023 at 10:28, Stefan Ram <ram at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> c.buhtz at posteo.jp writes:
> >But I don't want to make all log levels go to stdout. Just DEBUG and
> >INFO.
>   The following was stripped down from something some guy
>   posted on a web site, maybe it was "rkachach".

Yet another shining example of bad code that does what someone asks,
but will make life harder for the next person to come along and try to
work with that program. It's like if someone asked for a way to make
True equal to -1 instead of 1, for compatibility with BASIC. Bad idea.


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