To clarify how Python handles two equal objects

Ethan Furman ethan at
Tue Jan 10 18:29:23 EST 2023

On 1/10/23 12:03, Jen Kris via Python-list wrote:

 > I am writing a spot speedup in assembly language for a short but computation-intensive Python
 > loop, and I discovered something about Python array handling that I would like to clarify.

 > But on the next iteration we assign arr1 to something else:
 > arr1 = [ 10, 11, 12 ]
 > idc = id(arr1) – 140260325308160
 > idd = id(mx1[2]) – 140260325306880
 > Now arr1 is no longer equal to mx1[2]...

If you want to have `arr1` to still be `mx1[2]` (and consequently for `mx1[2]` to now be `[10, 11, 12]` you need to 
mutate `arr1` instead of reassigning it:

     arr1[:] = [10, 11, 12]


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