bool and int

rbowman bowman at
Sat Jan 28 01:35:04 EST 2023

On Fri, 27 Jan 2023 21:35:11 -0800 (PST), Grant Edwards wrote:

> In Unix shells, a return code of 0 is true and non-0 is false.

That carries over to some C functions like strcmp() although it's more 
complex. strcmp() returns the value of subtracting the nth character of 
string b from string a if the value is not 0. For matching strings, the 
result is 0 for all character positions.

This plays nicely with sorting functions but naive programmers assume it's 
a boolean and strcmp("foo", "foo") should return 1 or true when the 
strings match.

Returning 0 for success gives you much more latitude in return values.

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