Enum + new in 3.11
Thomas Passin
list1 at tompassin.net
Fri Jun 16 07:47:42 EDT 2023
On 6/16/2023 1:40 AM, dn via Python-list wrote:
> Have you figured-out a use for the @enum.member and @enum.nonmember
> decorators (new in Python 3.11)?
> "What's New" says:
> Added the member() and nonmember() decorators, to ensure the decorated
> object is/is not converted to an enum member.
> The PSL docs say:
> @enum.member
> A decorator for use in enums: its target will become a member.
> also:
> enum members have names and values (the name of Color.RED is RED, the
> value of Color.BLUE is 3, etc.)
> Whereas the "Utilities and Decorators" section is slightly confusing
> because class decorators are mixed with others, so one has to read
> more-carefully.
> "Curiosity killed the cat" and other cautionary tales/tails...
> Have added the following decorated staticmethod to a basic enum. It is
> indeed recognised as a member of the enum, but its value is the
> method-object. To gain the value the method-object represents
> (property-like behavior) one has to call the method/enum-value as a
> function:-
> from enum import Enum, member
> class MenuOptions( Enum ):
> """ Legal menu-choices. """
> N = "NewGame"
> L = "LoadGame"
> # ...
> @member
> @staticmethod
> def extra_member()->str:
> return "QuitGame"
> def print_demo( enum_chosen:MenuOptions )->None:
> """ Illustrative printing. """
> print( "Name:", enum_chosen, enum_chosen.name )
> if isinstance( enum_chosen, MenuOptions ):
> print( "Value:", enum_chosen.value )
> print( MenuOptions.__members__ )
> # {'N': <MenuOptions.N: 'NewGame'>, 'L': <MenuOptions.L: 'LoadGame'>,
> 'extra_member': <MenuOptions.extra_member: <staticmethod(<function
> MenuOptions.extra_member at 0x7f0802128860>)>>}
> print_demo( MenuOptions[ "L" ] )
> # Name: MenuOptions.L L
> # Value: LoadGame
> print_demo( MenuOptions.extra_member )
> # Name: MenuOptions.extra_member extra_member
> # Value: <staticmethod(<function MenuOptions.extra_member at
> 0x7f0802128860>)>
> print( MenuOptions.extra_member.value() )
> # QuitGame
> Therefore, like an @property decorator applied to a method in a
> custom-class, it could be used to only evaluate some 'expensive'
> computation if/when it is needed. Similarly, it could use the other
> values within the enum in order to present some 'combination'.
> Weirdly (given that enums are considered immutable) I imagine that if
> the 'extra_member' were to call some external function with varying
> output, the value could be considered mutable when it is eventually called.
> Other?better ideas...
mypy is having trouble with 3.11 enums:
"There are 83 open Enum mypy issues at the the time of this writing.
Getting the Enum datatype to work with mypy is becoming impossible as I
find myself having to use cast() in at least every other line."
(see https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/12841)
There have also been other changes to enum in 3.11 - here is a useful
I had no idea....
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