Addition of a .= operator

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at
Sat May 20 20:11:35 EDT 2023

On 21/05/23 5:54 am, Alex Jando wrote:

> hash.=hexdigest()

That would be a very strange and unprecedented syntax that
munges together an attribute lookup and a call.

Keep in mind that a method call in Python is actually two
separate things:

y = x.m()

is equivalent to

f = x.m
y = f()

But it would not be possible to break down your .= syntax
in that way.

Another oddity is that these are equivalent:

x += y
x += (y)

i.e. the RHS is evaluated as usual before doing the +=.

But these would not be equivalent:

hash .= hexdigest()
hash .= (hexdigest())

In fact the latter would probably have to be disallowed, as it's
not at all clear what it should mean.


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