Trying to use pyinstaller under python 3.11, and, recently started receiving error message about specific module/distribution

Jacob Kruger at
Thu Apr 4 04:47:07 EDT 2024

Ok, had received response on pyinstaller mailing list, but, also just 
related to trying clean uninstall/reinstall of modules, but, while 
checking that out, something else occurred to me, and, it now operates 
as it should.

Anyway, what seemed to be causing issue was actually that, since, while 
am working under windows 11, quite often you might need to work with 
case-sensitivity in file names, not by choice, but, since a lot of 
target platforms, like linux, etc. are case-sensitive, and, at times, 
when working with external modules, this might cause hassles, etc.

In other words, the folder/directory where all my python source code is 
stored is set to be case-sensitive - there are a couple of ways to 
implement this under windows 10 and windows 11, via some external 
utilities, or by running the following command from a 
terminal/power-shell window, running it as administrator:

fsutil.exe file SetCaseSensitiveInfo C:\folder\path enable

If you instead use disable argument at the end, it then disables 
case-sensitivity, and, what did now was, under current project/test 
code, I created an additional sub-folder, copied code files, etc. over 
into it, disabled case-sensitivity on it, recreated the virtual 
environment, and installed all required modules, including pyinstaller 
using pip, and, when I then run pyinstaller from there, it works fine, 
and, does what I want it to.

In other words, something to do with having case-sensitivity enabled 
recursively on the folder/directory containing the code and the virtual 
environment seemed to be causing these errors/issues, specific to 
altgraph, which doesn't really make sense to me, but, it's now working, 
so, will archive this to memory, for later reference.

Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
"Resistance is futile!...Acceptance is versatile..."

On 2024/04/02 17:11, Barry wrote:
>> On 1 Apr 2024, at 15:52, Jacob Kruger via Python-list <python-list at> wrote:
>> Found many, many mentions of errors, with some of the same keywords, but, no resolutions that match my exact issue at all.
> Try asking the pyinstaller developers. I think there is a mailing list.
> Barry
>> As in, most of them are mentioning older versions of python, and, mainly different platforms - mac and linux, but, various google searches have not mentioned much of using it on windows, and having it just stop working.
>> Now did even try shifting over to python 3.12, but, still no-go.
>> If launch pyinstaller under python 3.10 on this exact same machine, pyinstaller runs - just keep that older version hovering around for a couple of occasional tests, partly since some of my target environments are still running older versions of python, but anyway.
>> Also, not really relevant, but, cx_freeze is perfectly able to generate executables for this same code, but, then not combining all output into a single file - will stick to that for now, but, not always as convenient, and, still wondering what changed here.
>> Jacob Kruger
>> +2782 413 4791
>> "Resistance is futile!...Acceptance is versatile..."
>>> On 2024/03/31 14:51, Barry wrote:
>>>>> On 31 Mar 2024, at 13:24, Jacob Kruger via Python-list <python-list at> wrote:
>>>> pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'altgraph' distribution was not found and is required by the application
>>> I think I have seen this error being discussed before…
>>> A web search for pyinstaller and that error leads to people discussing why it happens it looks like.
>>> Barry
>> --

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