Weird Stuff (Markdown, syntax highlighting and Python)

Thomas Passin list1 at
Mon May 27 14:08:55 EDT 2024

On 5/26/2024 2:28 AM, Gilmeh Serda via Python-list wrote:
> The web claims (I think on all pages I've read about Markdown and Python)
> that this code should work, with some very minor variants on the topic:
> ```python
> import os
> with open(os.path.join('/home/user/apath', 'somefile')) as f:
>      print(
> ```

There are different flavors of Markdown, so that might be a factor so 
far as details of the block are concerned.

What do you mean by it not "working"?  What do you see and what did you 
expect to see?  What did you see different when you used the next example?

How did you generate the output HTML file?

> However, that is not the case. At least not for me (using Python 3.12.3).
> If instead I type it:
>      #!python
>      import os
>      with open(os.path.join('/home/user/apath', 'somefile')) as f:
>          print(
> As an indented block (four spaces) and a shebang, THEN it works. You even
> get line numbers by default.
> N.b. if you don't know, you also need to generate a css file using
> pygments to make this work.
> Not until I started to read the markdown source code and its docs pages,
> the coin dropped.
> I'm posting this for other Markdown newbies that otherwise probably would
> spend hours trying to make it work.
> Speaking of Markdown. Does anybody out there have any idea how to turn on
> table borders, adjust them (color/width/etc.) and such things? Currently I
> have to add HTML to do so, which works, but isn't very nice. I'd hate to
> spend an additional day or two, hunting for this info.
> References:

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