Serializing pydantic enums

Mats Wichmann mats at
Wed May 29 19:02:08 EDT 2024

On 5/29/24 13:27, Larry Martell via Python-list wrote:
> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 11:46 AM Left Right via Python-list
> <python-list at> wrote:
>> Most Python objects aren't serializable into JSON. Pydantic isn't
>> special in this sense.
>> What can you do about this? -- Well, if this is a one-of situation,
>> then, maybe just do it by hand?
>> If this is a recurring problem: json.dumps() takes a cls argument that
>> will be used to do the serialization. Extend json.JSONEncoder and
>> implement the encode() method for the encoder class you are passing. I
>> believe that the official docs have some information about this too.
> Yeah, I know I can do this, but I seem to recall reading that pydantic
> handled serialization.  Guess not.

Pydantic devotes some of its documentation to serialization.

As noted elsewhere, some Python objects are easy to serialize, some you 
need to provide some help. Consider pickling: if you write a class that 
isn't obviously pickleable, the getstate dunder method can be defined to 
help out.  For Pydantic, there's a couple of ways... aliases in 
particular seem designed to help: there's a serialization_alias argument 
to the Field function.

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