From JoyceUlysses.txt -- words occurring exactly once

dieter.maurer at dieter.maurer at
Fri May 31 13:59:15 EDT 2024

HenHanna wrote at 2024-5-30 13:03 -0700:
>Given a text file of a novel (JoyceUlysses.txt) ...
>could someone give me a pretty fast (and simple) Python program that'd
>give me a list of all words occurring exactly once?

Your task can be split into several subtasks:
 * parse the text into words

   This depends on your notion of "word".
   In the simplest case, a word is any maximal sequence of non-whitespace
   characters. In this case, you can use `split` for this task

 * Make a list unique -- you can use `set` for this

>               -- Also, a list of words occurring once, twice or 3 times

For this you count the number of occurrences in a `list`.
You can use the `count` method of lists for this.

All individual subtasks are simple. I am confident that
you will be able to solve them by yourself (if you are willing
to invest a bit of time).

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