Beazley's Problem

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Sun Oct 6 16:19:10 EDT 2024

Op 23/09/2024 om 09:44 schreef Annada Behera via Python-list:
> The "next-level math trick" Newton-Raphson has nothing to do with
> functional programming. I have written solvers in purely iterative
> style.

What is your point. Any problem solved in a functional style can
also be solved in a pure interative style. So you having written
something in an interative style doesn't contradict Newton-Raphson being 
expressable in a functional style.
>   As far as I know, Newton-Raphson is the opposite of functional
> programming as you iteratively solve for the root. Functional programming
> is stateless where you are not allowed to store any state (current best
> guess root).

That doesn't prevent you from passing state along as a parameter,
usualy in some helper function.

Antoon Pardon.

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