Old matplotlib animation now fails

Martin Schöön martin.schoon at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 04:20:10 EDT 2024

Den 2024-10-15 skrev Stefan Ram <ram at zedat.fu-berlin.de>:
> Martin =?UTF-8?Q?Sch=C3=B6=C3=B6n?= <martin.schoon at gmail.com> wrote or quoted:
>>l.set_data(x0, y0)
>   Well, I got to say, it's pretty rad that you're rocking Python!
>   That language is the bee's knees, for real. 
>   As for your question, here's my two cents off the cuff:
>   Could it be that the newer Matplotlib versions are jonesing
>   for something like "l.set_data( [ x0 ],[ y0 ])" in that spot?
Thanks, that was quick and adding square brackets fixed my code.

Me rocking Python?


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