Trouble with mocking

Norman Robins norman.robins59 at
Tue Sep 3 20:34:13 EDT 2024

I'm somewhat new to mocking for unit tests.

I have some code like this:

In foo/bar/ I have 2 function I want to mock, one calls the other"
def function1_to_mock():

def function2_to_mock():

In foo/bar/ I import 1 of these and call it"
from .baz import function2_to_mock

def some_function():

I want to mock both function1_to_mock and function2_to_mock

In my test I do this:

def function1_to_mock(kid):
    return MOCKED_VALUE

def mock_dependencies():
    with patch(') as mock_function1_to_mock, \
         patch('') as mock_function2_to_mock:
        mock_function2_to_mock.return_value = {
            'this': 'that
        yield mock_function1_to_mock, mock_function2_to_mock

def test_main(mock_dependencies):

When some_function is called the real function1_to_mock is called instead
of my mock.

Can someone please let me know how to properly mock these 2 functions.


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