psycopg2 positioning of .commit() (Posting On Python-List Prohibited)

Karsten Hilbert Karsten.Hilbert at
Mon Sep 9 13:28:23 EDT 2024

Am Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 10:00:11AM -0000 schrieb Jon Ribbens via Python-list:

> > The database only needs to commit when it is explicitly told. Anything
> > less -- no commit.
> So the Python code is half-way through a transaction when it throws
> a (non-database-related) exception and that thread of execution is
> aborted. The database connection returns to the pool, and is re-used
> by another thread which continues using it to perform a different
> sequence of operations ... ending in a COMMIT, which commits
> one-and-a-half transactions.

Right, but that's true only when writable connections are
being pooled, which should be avoidable in many cases.

Any pool worth its salt should rollback any potentially
pending transactions of a connection when it is given back
that pooled connection. Unless explicitely told not to.

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