[Python-mode] python-mode.el interferes with GUD

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Feb 3 17:35:12 EST 2004

On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 17:08, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Peter> GUD ("M-x gdb") places a "=>" indicator in front of the current
>     Peter> source line in a file which is being debugged.  When
>     Peter> python-mode.el has been loaded, this feature is nearly useless.
>     Peter> The "=>" is visible only for an instant - if it is visible at
>     Peter> all.  This makes it impossible to do anything useful with the
>     Peter> debugger.
> This seems familiar.  I thought the topic came up before, though I thought
> the conclusion was that either recent versions of python-mode.el don't
> exhibit this problem or that Barry couldn't reproduce it.
>     Peter> I've seen this with GNU Emacs 21.2.1 and python-mode.el Revision
>     Peter> 4.35.  If there's any problem reproducing the behavior, please
>     Peter> let me know and I will do more experiments with different
>     Peter> machines and different versions of Emacs.
> Yes, please.  Can you try with the latest version of python-mode.el?  Any
> chance you can try it with XEmacs of some vintage?  Neither Barry nor I use
> GNU Emacs.

This does come up occasionally, and I'm pretty sure it's a GNU Emacs
problem.  I've never been able to reproduce it on XEmacs.


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