[Python-mode] Hey

Andreas Roehler andreas.roehler at online.de
Wed Mar 17 13:28:47 CET 2010

Deniz Dogan wrote:
> 2010/3/17 Andreas Roehler <andreas.roehler at online.de>:
>> Deniz Dogan wrote:
>>> 2010/3/16 Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>:
>>>> On Mar 16, 2010, at 09:39 AM, m h wrote:
>>>>> On this note, it might be nice to create a wiki page (python.el vs
>>>>> python-mode.el) elaborating the different features found in each....
>>>> Like this one:
>>>> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PythonMode
>>>> Could use lots of clean up though.
>>>> -Barry
>>> I think the main problem about that wiki entry is that it's on
>>> EmacsWiki. Most EmacsWiki entries look just like that, everything ends
>>> up a discussion board and/or bunch of recipes for unrelated features.
>> Isn't that a feature rather characteristic of all wikis?
>> EmacsWiki does very well in relation, provides a lot of useful stuff IMO.
>> Download facility is excellent.
> EmacsWiki _is_ useful, I use it all the time. I'm just saying there
> are huge problems with mixing discussion and actual information on one
> page, especially as there is absolutely no visual indication about
> what's what. In relation to what do you think that EmacsWiki does very
> well?

In relation to other wikis I've seen: dead links, unrelated, outdated stuff, sometimes even smear and slander.

Seems thats normal, wikis are a kind of marketplaces: rather loud, with dirty corners.
However, if you got your vegetables, it's done, it's great.
So I'm rather in favour of EmacsWiki, inclusive it's clowns corner. :-)


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