[Python-mode] Towards a PDEE

Andreas Roehler andreas.roehler at online.de
Mon Mar 22 12:32:02 CET 2010

Hi Barry, hello list,

as the colors themes matter indicates, idea of an
integrated python developing environment meets some
wider interest.

Which raises the question where to proceed.

Integrating more stuff might result into an collection
like emacs-w3m.

BTW if entered that path, suggest a split of current
python-mode.el too, think smaller files grouped
thematically as for pdb for example are easier to

Not to get folks bewildered, suggest to keep stuff as
is in python-mode.el at the known place. But making up
a second location, mirroring classic python-mode,
augmented by other useful stuff as ipython, maybe
color-theme etc.

So people may download and install from there a reasonable default ready-to-go,
a python emacs augmented mode (PYEAM) as a first step
towards of a python development emacs environment




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