[Python-mode] more indentation problems (I think)

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Sun Apr 17 11:48:10 CEST 2011

Am 17.04.2011 07:54, schrieb Eric S. Johansson:
> I was creating a grammar for speech commands for Emacs and while
> building a two-dimensional matrix, i.e. found indentation that wasn't
> right: here's the code
> feature_operation_matrix = {
> "character": {
> "kill": "{ctrl+k}",
> "delete": "{esc}xdelete-backward-char",
> "copy": "{esc}xdelete-forward-char{ctr;+y}",
> "left": "{ctrl+b}",
> "right": "{ctrl+b}"},
> "word": {
> ...."kill": "{esc}d",
> ...."delete": "{esc}b",
> ...."copy": "{esc}d(ctrl+y)",
> ...."left": "{esc}b",
> ...."right": "{esc}b"},
> "line": {"kill": "", "delete": "", "copy": "", "left": "", "right": ""},
> "paragraph": {"kill": "", "delete": "", "copy": "", "left": "", "right":
> ""},
> }
> the nested dictionary isn't indenting like the way I expect. the
> dictionary entry with key "character" is what I get from the editor the
> dictionary entry with key "word" has four dots indicating where I think
> indentation should be. otoh, It's been a year since I touched python so
> I may have buggered something. I will figure something out in the
> morning when I finish this grammar element but in the meantime, I
> wondered if this was the kind of indentation problem folks have been
> experiencing.

Hi Eric,

thanks for the report.
Would it be possible to make an entry into the bug tracker?

It's at


That would help.
You must register at launchpad before, which is quit easy.
Afterwards there is a button "Report a bug"

If you think, that's to much, I'll make that entry for you.

Thanks again



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