[Python-mode] python.el

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Feb 4 16:30:21 CET 2011

On Feb 04, 2011, at 09:16 AM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

>However, let me clarify: Emacs _can_ include, as long it is GPL and it is.

But they won't.

>And so we can.

Yes, we're not bound by the same copyright assignment policy.

>It's just to give up the insane copyright-policy, where I see no legitime
>reason for, which denigrates the GPL as such.

The FSF has their reasons, which I think are legitimate for them.

As much as I wish we could merge all the different versions and get
python-mode.el into GNU Emacs, it may simply be impossible - or not worth the
effort.  Apologies for fanning those old flames again.

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