[Python-mode] Announcement of a new python major-mode on emacs-devel

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Wed Feb 16 19:17:31 CET 2011

On 2/16/2011 12:34 PM, m h wrote:
> WRT switching from XEmacs, what is your reason for using it? Curious
> minds want to know. :)

My reason is simple. I consider Stallman delusional.

1) he considers the needs of free software to be dominant over the needs of 
disabled users.
2) he appears to believe that NaturallySpeaking quality speech recognition can 
be developed in less than a couple of years.
2a) he doesn't recognize that people are hurting now. Tens of thousands of 
developers are injured every year and leave the field because there's no support 
for disabled developer.
3) he appears to believe that a complete speech corpus can be developed without 
any control over microphones, soundcards, data rates.
4) he cannot conceive of any way in which you can build a hybrid open/closed 
source system with a clearly defined boundary so that disabled users can make 
use of essential accessibility software to drive open source software.
5) he believes that integrating Emacs with nonfree accessibility software 
enhances the value of accessibility software. My perspective is that it enhances 
the value of Emacs because Emacs and other free software is now accessible to a 
larger audience.

Personally, for me Emacs or Xemacs are two different ways to lose.  With Emacs, 
I lose by getting zero support or, what seems at times to be negative support.  
with Xemacs, I lose by what appears to be in overwhelm project with an 
inadequate number of supporters. They were much more supportive of my 
accessibility issues but, seeing with Skip is going through is making me a bit 
nervous. All I want is to make progress so I can try out new usability models 
for writing software using speech recognition. I don't want to learn Emacs Lisp 
I don't  sync my life into Windows edit controls but I know I'm probably going 
to have to. But I really want to just focus on the user interface models and 
save my hands for other things.

To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure Python-modal do I want. I need very 
fine grained feature oriented navigation and selection. I need to identify 
instances and arguments and other components that may occur and a lot of code.


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