[Python-mode] bug?

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Mon Jan 17 13:00:17 CET 2011

Am 15.01.2011 16:49, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 09:49 PM, Glenn Linderman wrote:
>> So here is a minimal test case:
>> """
>> "
>> """
>> def foo( bar ):
>> _ # cursor stays at left margin instead of indenting.
> Confirmed with r390 of python-mode.el.  It's definitely that embedded double
> quote.  Change it to a single quote and indentation works just fine.
> I know Andreas has been working hard in this area for the past week or so, so
> I'll let him follow up.  I'm not filing this as a bug, but if you look at
>      https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-mode
> you'll see several tqs related problems (most are fix committed).
> -Barry
> P.S. Welcome to the list!

Hi Barry,

gladly announce: just checked in a syntax independend
string parser with branch `paragraph-fill-warts',
addressing a similar bug.

A syntax independend parser delivers much more BTW than
this workaround ... :-)

Beside fixing/re-designing `py-fill-paragraph'
`py-fill-string' based on the new parser, a couple of
new functions are available.

Made an extract from thing-at-point-utils.el, called

Also delivering files needed by resp. holding the parser.

The full stuff is at


RATIONALE of re-design:

When detecting if inside a triple-quoted-string etc.,
the borders of the object are already known in this
course. Which might be given to fill the string...

Available forms for example:

`ar-triplequoted-atpt' - finds triplequoted strings under cursor


`ar-triplequoted-dq-atpt' -  triplequoted strings using doublequotes

`ar-triplequoted-sq-atpt' - triplequoted strings using singlequotes







Status: experimental,

Remaining/new BUG :(

error message when loading:

"Error in menu-bar-update-hook: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)"

Comments welcome




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