[Python-mode] [Bug 1102226] Re: py-shell-complete or ipython-complete doesn't work with emacs 24.1 and Windows

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Fri Feb 8 09:53:17 CET 2013

Am 08.02.2013 05:27, schrieb Bruce Tulloch:
> I can confirm this bug (or one very similar) exists on Emacs 24.2.1 on
> Debian Wheezy with ipython 0.13.1. It looks like it's probably related
> to bug 1027265 (Filename completion fails in ipython buffer) for which I
> see a fix is reported committed. Any chance of this one being fixed and
> released sooner than 6.2?

IMO it displays the limitations of the way Emacs stuff is developed, i.e. by exchanging code people
use itself basically.

Being well aware of that limitation, looking for people who are interested to change that.
Maybe you are?

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