[python-nigeria] The Beautiful Journey So far and my self appointed role as a Nigeria Python community evangelist

Aisha Bello aishabello2050 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 09:04:47 EST 2015

Dear Nigerian Pythonistas,

It's been really quiet here and I was wondering where all the Nigerian
python community supporters and enthusiasts were.

This past week has been awesome needless to say. First of My proposal to
PyCon Namibia was accepted and I would be telling our story to an audience
of global community of Pythonistas in Windhoek, Namibia about DjangoGirls
Lagos and the Nigerian Python community.

Git Hub is proudly sponsoring our event and are giving our 30 attendees and
10 coaches(40) free 1 year coupons to GitHub micro plan which includes 5
private repositories which is valued at $84/year. I guess I don't need to
emphasize what tremendous value this is. Also sending e-hugs and a shout
out to Naomi Ceder who is backup admin of this list and PSF board member
for all her support. She is DjangoGirls Lagos official cupcakes

The final awesome news. So I attended the TEDxEuston conference and met
Mark Essien C.E.O of hotels.ng after his inspirational talk at the
conference. I spoke to him about the Django Girls event and the Nigerian
Python community (I didn't even know before he was a pythonista :D) I told
him about the community conversations and how we intend for DjangoGirls
Lagos coach's dinner to also be the first gathering of the Nigerian Python
community. There and then he expressed interest in attending and added the
date of the event to his Calendar. This is awesome news as asides being an
awesome networking event for Nigerian Pythonistas it will also be a source
of inspiration to the women who would just be beginning their journey with
learning how to code

For everyone who has indicated their passion to support to DjangoGirls in
Lagos please register as a coach here https://djangogirls.org/lagos/#coach
and be one of 10 mentors to 3 women during the workshop. Also if you would
like your company to sponsor us please shoot me an email or forward your
inquiries to lagos at djangogirl.org

I would close with this few words "Do you want to be a participant or a
spectator in the growth of our community as a tool to better Nigeria" "The
world needs dreamers and the world need doers but what the world really
needs is Dreamers who Do". I want to encourage everyone already hereto take
time out of their very busy schedule to introduce themselves, drop comments
and suggestions for the community and let's get the ball rolling. It would
really be sad to see *the Nigerian factor* come to play here.

Wishing you all a great week ahead.
Aisha Bello

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