[python-nigeria] Coaches For Django Girls PH
Tina Tina
tina.wama at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 11 23:18:22 EDT 2016
Hello Everyone, My name is Tina, organizer of the Django girls Port Harcourt Workshop. Firstoff, i have been up almost all night going through the archives and I must say this community is an awesome initiative and i hope to be anactive part of it even if i am i newbie to programming (started when i attendedthe Django girls workshop in Lagos this February) Now to the matter, please I need coaches for the Django Girls PH Workshopin July. So far, i have about twenty ladies registered (hope to have at least30 for the workshop) and just two coaches. The idea is to have a coach to three ladies orless. So please, if you are free on the weekend of 22/23 July and you wouldlike to support us by coaching this upcoming pythonistas, click on the linkbelow and apply. https://docs.google.com/a/djangogirls.org/forms/d/1IlatSzr9DCqiaL5aD2XZnb8EYMJ9vNYnkgmazXNzbDc/viewform?c=0&w=1.Thank you for your support.
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