[python-nigeria] I promise.......No long stories this time
Aisha Bello
aishabello2050 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 17:06:07 EDT 2016
Bonsoir Pythonistas,
I hail all thee. How's it going? *in my Naija voice* how work? Hope sey the
snake is treating us well with no bugs :p. lol
Shout out and welcome to Osayamen #PyDataScientist please don't forget to
join the pydata channel on Slack :D
Another shout out to Jonathan no offense taken. Thanks for your mail I was
also beginning to miss the digests. It's always lovely to read from you
guys.But it seems everyone is on PythonNigeria slack. In my opinion that's
where all the PythonNigeria action is going on.
SO to answer your question I have two different answers although it's not
exactly the python Nigeria community meetup; I know Temi Adeoye is planning
a meetup next month for the Lagos Python meetup group <
I am delighted and proud to announce PyLadies Nigeria meetup group and the
Launch happening on the 16th of April <
http://www.meetup.com/pyladiesnigeria/events/229742362/>, on twitter we are
@pyladiesnigeria. By popular demand and the need for DjangoGirls and more
ladies to learn and continue in their coding journey while getting the much
needed support from industry professionals. We hope to have these meetups
at least twice a month covering a broad range of topics from web
development to data science, robotics and anything else that is Python and
Fun. All skill levels are welcome to join, collaborate and learn together.
Massive shout out to the PSF and Naomi for supporting us always.
I promised this won't be long and am taking extreme measures to not bore
you with an epistle ;) and err for anyone who wants to join the
PythonNigeria slack channel, here we go
Continue to have a pythonic week everyone.
Odabo oooo *in my Yoruba accent*
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