[python-nigeria] python-nigeria Digest, Vol 8, Issue 17

Ekpo David ekpodave at rocketmail.com
Sat Mar 26 12:18:32 EDT 2016

Hi Pythonistas,

I'm Ekpo David a python enthusiast and JavaScript front end developer.
I've been on this mailing list for a while and on the slack channel but haven't introduction myself till now. 

Anyways, was gingered to do so when I saw Osay (the awesome python programmer) had joined the list :)

I'd also like to indicate my ‎interest in contributing to the pyBook project.

Warm Regards, 

Freelance Web Developer and Python Programmer.
ekpodave at rocketmail.com 
  Original Message  
From: Chukwudi Nwachukwu
Sent: Saturday, 26 March 2016 7:49 AM
To: python-nigeria at python.org
Reply To: Nigerian Python Users Group
Subject: Re: [python-nigeria] python-nigeria Digest, Vol 8, Issue 17

Since Osayamen, by name oxax on Slack channel has been on the #pydata
channel, it's been buzzing. That section of slack has been busy for days
now, thanks to you all.

@Aisha, I enjoy your mails a lot. They are usually laced with funny sides,
please keep it up. After all, it shouldn't be formal all the time, should

I welcome the PyLadies and I'm also making sure that I give off my time, as
it permits, to help the event see the light of the day. For those who do
not know, @Aisha has been working hard for a venue and we look forward to
response after the holidays. Aisha, you too much!

Well, I would like to announce to the community that I pasted some
exception catching code at the Slack channel, please check it out and feel
free to use it to taste. And if you feel it needs and amendment, you can
also alter it as you wish.

I program in Flask, that's not in doubt, but the inbuilt server for
development could be slow at times and it also lacks the ability to have a
certificate to make it serve connections on secure protocol, https (on this
I might be wrong, so please correct me).

But I took it upon myself to draw out a part of the Rocket webserver that
web2py uses and then added some generated certificates (this is to avoid
re-invention the wheel). The beauty of it now is that it's fast in starting
up and can serve Flask, Django and other wsgi frameworks.

Rocket webserver, according to this link: https://launchpad.net/rocket, is
a quality webserver that can be used in production. I've yet to use it in
production but on development, it runs circles. As against the version
1.2.4 on PyPi and the parent page, the one I have is version 1.2.6. I have
been able to use it for tests too.

I have added it as the default test server for Flask applications in PySide
and it also stands as a separate module. My tests now complete faster. I
have attached a screenshot of the app running on a secure localhost. I'm
sorry, I tried cropping it but do not have the app to do so on my Mac.

In essence, I have to modules for you guys, where do I release them to? Do
we have a fixed account online for such? If it's missing, can I create a
github account for PyNigeria? And I also had discussion with Aisha on how
to make us viable and relevant in the scheme of things in this country but
a meetup is necessary to discuss them. When, where and how do we meet?

Python rocks!

*Behind every no entry sign, there is a door.*

On 24 March 2016 at 17:00, <python-nigeria-request at python.org> wrote:

> Send python-nigeria mailing list submissions to
> python-nigeria at python.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-nigeria
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> python-nigeria-request at python.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> python-nigeria-owner at python.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of python-nigeria digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: python-nigeria Digest, Vol 8, Issue 16 (iChux)
> 2. I promise.......No long stories this time (Aisha Bello)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: iChux <hsysinfo at gmail.com>
> To: python-nigeria at python.org
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 17:12:28 +0000
> Subject: Re: [python-nigeria] python-nigeria Digest, Vol 8, Issue 16
> Welcome Osayamen,
> We are a community that will expand soon to cover every Pythonista in
> Nigeria, primarily, and some in general.
> It's cool to note that you work with Python in your day to day's job and
> also use Flask along.
> It's same for me too. Please feel free to come over to the Slack channel
> too to join the other PyData people there. The community is wonderful,
> lovely and filled with warmth from everyone.
> Once more, you're welcome.
> www.bit.ly/iscrape
> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-nigeria-request at python.org
> Sender: "python-nigeria" <python-nigeria-bounces+hsysinfo=
> gmail.com at python.org>Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 12:00:05
> To: <python-nigeria at python.org>
> Reply-To: python-nigeria at python.org
> Subject: python-nigeria Digest, Vol 8, Issue 16
> Send python-nigeria mailing list submissions to
> python-nigeria at python.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-nigeria
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> python-nigeria-request at python.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> python-nigeria-owner at python.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of python-nigeria digest..."
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Aisha Bello <aishabello2050 at gmail.com>
> To: python-nigeria at python.org
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 22:06:07 +0100
> Subject: [python-nigeria] I promise.......No long stories this time
> Bonsoir Pythonistas,
> I hail all thee. How's it going? *in my Naija voice* how work? Hope sey the
> snake is treating us well with no bugs :p. lol
> Shout out and welcome to Osayamen #PyDataScientist please don't forget to
> join the pydata channel on Slack :D
> Another shout out to Jonathan no offense taken. Thanks for your mail I was
> also beginning to miss the digests. It's always lovely to read from you
> guys.But it seems everyone is on PythonNigeria slack. In my opinion that's
> where all the PythonNigeria action is going on.
> SO to answer your question I have two different answers although it's not
> exactly the python Nigeria community meetup; I know Temi Adeoye is planning
> a meetup next month for the Lagos Python meetup group <
> http://www.meetup.com/lagos-python-meetup/>.
> I am delighted and proud to announce PyLadies Nigeria meetup group and the
> Launch happening on the 16th of April <
> http://www.meetup.com/pyladiesnigeria/events/229742362/>, on twitter we
> are
> @pyladiesnigeria. By popular demand and the need for DjangoGirls and more
> ladies to learn and continue in their coding journey while getting the much
> needed support from industry professionals. We hope to have these meetups
> at least twice a month covering a broad range of topics from web
> development to data science, robotics and anything else that is Python and
> Fun. All skill levels are welcome to join, collaborate and learn together.
> Massive shout out to the PSF and Naomi for supporting us always.
> I promised this won't be long and am taking extreme measures to not bore
> you with an epistle ;) and err for anyone who wants to join the
> PythonNigeria slack channel, here we go
> https://pynigeria.typeform.com/to/QyQVL3
> Continue to have a pythonic week everyone.
> Odabo oooo *in my Yoruba accent*
> Aisha
> _______________________________________________
> python-nigeria mailing list
> python-nigeria at python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-nigeria
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python-nigeria at python.org

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