[python-nl] Startupweekend in Amsterdam

Wichert Akkerman wichert at wiggy.net
Thu Jun 30 13:25:09 CEST 2011

On 06/29/2011 06:56 PM, Remco Wendt wrote:
> Hey all,
> A couple of python/django developers will join in during 
> http://amsterdam.startupweekend.org (July 8th - July 10th) in Pakhuis 
> de Zwijger, also location where DjangoCon Europe was hosted. 
> Startupweekend is a non-stop marathon to create a startup in... yeah a 
> weekend. It basically means you team up with people with a diverse set 
> of expertises to build something that people want to use over the 
> course of a weekend and you end up with something working that you can 
> demo. It is fun and developers are much needed!

Leuk idee, ik heb me net opgegeven. Wel suf dat er bij Python meteen 
Django achterstaat ;)


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