[python-nl] Komend weekend 16 developers in Utrecht
Geert Stappers
stappers at stappers.nl
Tue Oct 9 06:37:16 CEST 2012
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Hallo Python mensen
en vooral Python mensen uit Utrecht
Bij mijn post van afgelopen nacht zat:
| Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2012 22:55:25 +0200
| From bounce-debian-events-nl=stappers=stappers.nl op lists.debian.org Mon Oct 8 22:56:24 2012
| From: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer op debian.org>
| To: debian-events-nl op lists.debian.org
| Subject: Re: Debian BSP @ Randomdata, Utrecht between 12-14 Oct
| Message-ID: <1349729725.3931.36.camel op gwenhwyvar.fritz.box>
| X-Mailer: Evolution 3.4.3-1
| On Sun, 2012-09-09 at 01:23 +0200, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
| > To help squeeze some more bugs for wheezy, Thijs Kinkhorst and I are
| > organising a bug squashing party during the weekend of 13 and 14
| > October. Hackerspace Randomdata[1] in Utrecht has kindly offered to
| > host us. If there is enough interest we might open the space on Friday
| > afternoon as well.
| >
| > If you are interested in attending, please register yourself at the
| > wiki[2] so we can get an idea of how many people to expect. This is
| > important so we can determine whether we should arrange for access to
| > a spare room adjacent to the space.
| A quick update:
| At the moment there are 16 people listed as interested on the wiki,
| which means that we won't be able to fit into the Randomdata hackerspace
| itself. I've been trying to arrange for access to the photo studio
| adjacent to the space, but for various reasons that's not gone as well
| as I was hoping.
| I'm still trying to organize access to the studio, but if that doesn't
| work out (it's hard to say at the moment whether it will) we could go to
| Tech Inc instead (a hackerspace near Amsterdam Amstel) which has more
| space. I'll let you know as soon as I know more.
| Cheers,
| Jelmer
| [1] http://www.randomdata.nl/
| [2] http://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2012/10/nl/Utrecht
Vandaar dus de vraag:
Wat hebben jullie aan mogelijkheden om een zestiental Debian Developers
komend weekend in Utrecht te laten werken.
Bij reacties a.u.b. ook Jelmer in de loop, hij staat in de Cc.
Dank en
Geert Stappers
- --
> And is there a policy on top-posting vs. bottom-posting?
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