[python-nl] job postings
Remco Wendt
remco.wendt at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 12:33:36 CET 2013
On Feb 6, 2013 12:24 PM, "Tim Molendijk" <tim at timmolendijk.nl> wrote:
> If there is one thing that annoys me, it is the endless whining and the
> perpetual pointless debate about anything job opening related. Somebody
> should make an analysis of the number of e-mails with job openings versus
> the number of e-mails about e-mails with job openings. I bet the ratio is
> at least 1 to 5.
> ✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> @timmolendijk <http://twitter.com/timmolendijk> +31 614 796 999
> 2013/2/4 Kuno Woudt <kuno at frob.nl>
>> Hello,
>> On 02/04/2013 02:19 PM, Berco Beute wrote:
>>> Well, if there would have been a way to share job postings with this
>>> mailinglist without being afraid of being too much off-topic, the number
>>> would definitely be higher. As Paylogic we always have job openings for
>>> experienced Python developers, but we are reluctant to constantly share
>>> them here. For us it would be great if there were a supported channel
>>> for this.
>> For that a monthly thread (as previously suggested by Pepijn) seems
>> appropriate.
>> Verder vind ik de job postings nooit storend, als ZZP'er is het wel
>> zinvol om op de hoogte te blijven van bedrijven in de buurt die python
>> mensen zoeken als werknemer of voor freelance werk, ook als ik zelf op dat
>> moment niet direct op zoek ben naar meer klanten of werk.
>> -- Kuno.
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