[python-nl] PyBug's 2nd meet up (food)

Ward De Ridder python-nl at warddr.eu
Mon Jan 14 17:41:33 CET 2013

Hello all,

as promissed some more information about the food for our meeting:

Some members of the hackerspace will coock a vegetable-oven-dish, with 
drumsticks for non-vegetarians.
The price will be very reasonable, we usually divide the costs of all 
ingredients by the number of participants, and round it a bit up as a 
little profit for the hackerspace.

To have an idea on how many people will join for diner it would be 
interesting if you could write your name down here on this wiki page:
Please also write something down if you are a vegetarian, than we know 
we don't need to buy drumsticks for you.

(that wikipage can also be used for other things, like the agenda 
points, but that's up to you.)

At our contact page you can also find some more information on how to 
get there by public transportation:

I'd suggest we eat around 18:00, that way we can have a little informal 
chat, and that we can start with the talks at 19:00? What do you think?

I will definately be there from 14:00 onwards, so if you 'd like to come 
a little early for a chat, a club mate, and or some hacking you are very 


On 01/09/2013 10:11 AM, Jonas Geiregat wrote:
> Hello fellow Dutch speaking Python Hackers!
> We have found a location and have a date for our next meet up!
> Location: VoidWarranties vzw. - Herrystraat 22, 2100 Deurne (Antwerpen)
> https://maps.google.be/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=112779222059309009671.00048cc576ab576f74c12&ll=51.208927,4.45487&spn=0.010781,0.033023&z=16&lci=com.google.webcams
> When:  Saturday 9 February , 19 o'clock
> I've put 19 o'clock on the doodle but now I'm thinking it might be a 
> little to late so I'm proposing to let the event start at 18h, unless 
> there are objections.
> There is a beamer we can use to give some presentations and/or 
> lighting talks.
> I would encourage everyone to give at least a lighting talk.
> If you have a subject you would like to talk about, post it on the 
> list so we can start putting an agenda together.
> Current agenda:
> * Welcome talk
> * Website
> * Lighting talks
> * Break
> * Presentations
> * Hackers food (More on this later from Ward)
> If you would like to add something else to the agenda, let me know!
> If you got a lighting talk or presentation post it on the list and 
> it'll be added to the agenda.
> Invite your fellow python hacker friends to come along!
> Hope to see you all there 9 feb.
> Regards,
> Jonas Geiregat.
> Car pooling PS: if anyone is in need of transportation, I'm from 
> Oudenaarde and will need to pass through Ghent on my way to Antwerp. 
> So if anyone needs a ride I'll be happy to pick you up!
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